Solar Farm Stabilisation


Solar farm projects are increasingly becoming a significant infrastructure focus for regional and national government work programmes to support carbon offsetting and carbon neutral strategies.

With a significant landmass and abundant solar resource, Australia has the potential to maximise the use of solar farms to achieve sustainable energy generation.

Used in conjunction with wind, hydropower (including pumped-hydro) and hydrogen power generation, decarbonization of Australia’s energy system is a viable and achievable option within a generation.


A truck applying soil stabilisation chemicals

During the construction phase of a Melbourne Water solar farm in Melbourne’s South East, 40 hectares of land was developed to create the engineered base for the construction phase to commence.

The engineered base of the solar farm had specific environmental parameters which had to be maintained for up to 12 months before the construction commenced.

Any damage to that base caused by wind and rain would result in significant rework of the site at additional cost to the client, along with potential delays and localised environmental impact.



Trucks on a dirt patch

Statewide River & Stream Management Pty Ltd recommended the application of Vital Bon-Matt Stonewall (IGD) at a 10% dilution (1:9 ratio) for an effective, durable and sustainable solution, affording the required standard of stabilisation for the 12 month set down period.


Soil stabilisation on a solar farm

Statewide River & Stream Management Pty Ltd utilised a purpose-built five metre spray boom to provide a capability to stabilise up to five hectares per day.

The site was quickly and effectively stabilised, providing an immediate and noticeable reduction in dust generation as well as withstanding a significant high intensity rainfall event within 24 hours of completion. 

The site continues to meet the required high standards required to achieve specification for stage two of the development.


Vital Bon-Matt Stonewall

Get in touch with us today for a copy of the Case Study.

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Vital Chemical is committed to the continuous improvement of our business functions to ensure the delivery of best value products and services, whilst contributing toward objectives and outcomes aligning with The United Nations Social Development Goals (UNSDGs). Our Australian made products listed on the Infrastructure Sustainability Council (IS Council) ISupply Directory can support your project’s IS Council accreditation submission across a range of qualifying categories.